Health and Safety Inspections
Emergency Response Procedures
Complete Contractors Packs
Covid-19 Workplace Management Plan
Our vision of only providing the best practice, products, people and services demonstrate our capacity, capability and commitment to you, our valued client. We are committed to identifying the risks associated with your specific operational activities. We will implement your COVID-19 Risk Management Programme with key outcomes that mitigate specific hazards that could adversely affect you as well as your employees and other affected parties’ interests.
Individual businesses or workplaces must have COVID-19 risk assessments and plans in place, and must conduct worker education on COVID-19 and protection measures:
- Identification and protection of vulnerable employees;
- Safe transport of employees ;
Screening of employees on entering the workplace; - Prevention of viral spread in the workplace:
- Cleaning of surfaces and shared equipment;
- Good ventilation;
- Managing sick employees.
The following rules will
be imposed across
all sectors and
alert levels:
Workplace Protocols
- There should be workplace protocols in place that would include disease surveillance and prevention of the spread of infection;
All employers to screen staff on a daily basis for symptoms of COVID-19, including a symptom check as well as temperature assessment
Masks & Sanitizers
All employees to use a cloth mask especially where social distancing is not possible;
Work environment to have sanitisers available or hand washing facilities with soap
Social Distancing Measures
- Stringent social distancing measures should be implemented in the workplace.
Our SHEQ Based Services:
- COVID-19 Risk Management Systems
Developing, Implementing and Maintaining SHEQ Management Systems - Conducting of Client SHEQ Systems Audits
- Assisting Companies to implement SHEQ Management Systems
- Conducting SHEQ Inspections
- Development of Contractor SHEQ Site Specifications
- Conducting of SHE Legal Compliance Audits
- Conducting Environmental Impact Studies
- Conducting SHEQ Awareness Campaigns
- Conducting Incident Investigations and Root Cause Analysis
- Development of Baseline and Issue Based Risk Assessments
- Development of Site-Specific Environmental Management Plans
Development of Contractors Health and Safety Files - Serve as Construction Health and Safety Agents
- Development of Eskom Health and Safety Files
- Operate SHEQ based services on an outsourcing basis
- Assist with incident reporting to Department of Labour
- Conduct all SHEQ related training
OHS Building Compliance Audits
Monitoring systems must be in place to:
Ensure compliance with safety protocols and
Identify infections among employees
Our COVID-19 Risk Management Offering
- COVID-19 Management Plan;
- COVID-19 Risk Assessment;
- COVID-19 Safe Work Procedure and
- COVID-19 Daily Screening Register.
And all required daily registers
And all required daily registers
For ONLY R2,500.00 + vat
Contact Clive on 076 638 2514